What is Beanstack?
Beanstack makes it easy to track everything you read, whether it’s a book, e-book, audiobook, or even the back of the cereal box! See everything you’ve read, share reading with friends, and keep your daily reading streak alive. Get motivated to meet your reading goals with new reading challenges and virtual badges.
To download the Beanstack app, visit the Apple App Store or Google Play Store and search for “Beanstack.”
Once you’re in the app, choose “At my library, school, or bookstore,” and then search for your school. Sign in using the information sent to you and start logging!
If you have trouble signing in, using the app or the website please get in touch with the school secretary.
To comply with changing state laws our library is moving to an online system, so that parents and guardians will have access to view their students history and current checked out books. Login information will be sent out at the beginning of the school year when the student enrolls in school.
The library collection will be added to our online library system. Students will be able to browse titles, place books on hold and renew any books that they have checked out. The link below will take you to the Alexandria Researcher for Flaming Gorge Elementary.
Please contact the librarian if you have any questions.